Core conceptsKubernetes architectureCluster componentsBuilding
the appCreating containersConfiguring local
Docker repoPod designBase configurationLiveness and readiness probes
CPU and memory constraintsResource limits for a namespaceSecurity
Security contextService accountsSecretsKubernetes network policyLinux capabilities
Deployment configurationControllers:
deployments, daemon sets and stateful setsJobs and cron jobs
Config mapsRolling upgrade,
blue-green deployment, canary deployment
Using Helm for managing deploymentsKubernetes
API resources
Multi-container podsSidecar, ambassador and adapter containersInit containersServices &
NetworkingServices and different typesLoad balancingIngress controller
State PersistencePersistence of application state in KubernetesEphemeral storagePersistent
volumes and claimsStorage classes