课程目录:DevOps with TeamCity培训
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Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Overview

What is CI?
What is CD?
TeamCity in Depth

What is TeamCity?
TeamCity CI/CD architecture
TeamCity features and concepts
Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and configuring TeamCity
Installing TeamCity build agents
Projects and Builds

Connecting to a VCS
Organizing projects
Creating a TeamCity project
Packaging .NET projects
Building CI pipelines
Verifying and managing VCS triggers
Running unit tests
Transforming Projects

Using MS Build
Using PowerShell
Branches and Git Requests

Monitoring and Auto-merging branches
Monitoring and verifying Git requests

Using TeamCity plugins
Applying checkout rules on VCS roots
Working with CodeDeploy
Creating CodeDeploy applications
Deploying with TeamCity
Summary and Conclusion