Cloud Infrastructure and Services培训
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
How did we get here -
From application hosting to SaaS to public & private cloud
Cloud definition
Chose your flavor: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Typical cloud usage scenarios
SaaS vs. traditional enterprise computing
The programmable Web: an API in the cloud
2. Cloud Migration
Better utilization through resource virtualization
Cloud management for elasticity: automated, on-demand provisioning of resources
Evolving the economy of scale through shared infrastructure and applications
Cloud benefits and challenges
3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
IaaS architecture and key features
Who are the major IaaS providers?
Microsoft Azure
Web Roles & Worker Roles
Scalability, load balancing, fail over
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) & Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
IaaS+: AWS Application Services and Marketplace
Regions & Availability Zones
Networking & security
Monitoring, Auto Scaling, & Load Balancing
Building scalable and fault-tolerant applications
How to protect yourself from outages
Management interfaces
Private & hybrid cloud
Drivers & challenges
Defining the requirements
A Methodology for building a private cloud
How to manage the private cloud
Who can help: vendor overview
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
Hybrid clouds
Use cases
Product example: Eucalyptus
How to select a private cloud model
4. PaaS (Platform as a Service)
PaaS defined
A complete PaaS stack
Where to draw the line: IasS+ or pure-PaaS or custom-SaaS?
What functionality do we need to build applications for the cloud?
What is a multi-tenant system?
Evolving the economy of scale
Customizing the application for a tenant
Considerations for multi-tenant applications:
Stability, SLA, legal & regulatory, security, maintenance, 3rd-party components
Who are the major PaaS providers?
Microsoft Azure
Google App Engine
Outlook: the future of PaaS
5. SaaS (Software as a Service)
What is SaaS?
Some examples.
6. Cloud Architecture
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Service Layer Model & the concept of loose coupling
SOA + Event Driven Architecture (EDA) = e-SOA
What is REST and why is it important for the cloud?
Synergy of SOA and Cloud - the industry view
SOA / SaaS synergy
SOA / PaaS synergy
Approaches to meet demand
Applying SOA principles to the cloud: loose coupling, encapsulation, asynchronous services
Building multi-tenancy applications based on SOA
Migrating legacy systems into the cloud
SOA / IaaS synergy
Service-Oriented Infrastructure (SOI)
Service virtualization vs. server virtualization
Automated, on-demand resource provisioning
7. Cloud Integration
The need for cloud integration and its challenges
How SOA can help: focus on integration
From application integration to Service Oriented Integration (SOI)
The need for (inter)mediation
Mediation functionality
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) reference architectures
What are the particular requirements for cloud integration?
From ESB to “Internet Service Bus”
Product Examples:
Windows Azure AppFabric
IBM Cast Iron
8. Standards and Open Source Software
Cloud standards
Portability & interoperability: problem statement
Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF)
Open Virtualization Format (OVF)
Open Cloud Standards Incubator
Apache Libcloud
Open Source Software (OSS)
9. Cloud Security
The evolution to Cloud Security
From traditional Web applications to SOA to Cloud
Public cloud vs. on-premise datacenter
Cloud security is a multi-dimensional problem
Dimension 1: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Dimension 2: Network, VM, application, data
Dimension 3: CSP, tenant
Identity, Entitlement & Access Management (IdEA)
Authentication & Access Control
SAML, XACML, and Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
Security across on-premise systems & multiple Clouds
Cloud Security Alliance standards
Cloud Controls Matrix, Consensus Assessments Initiative, Cloud Audit, Cloud Trust Protocol
Security, Trust, and Assurance Registry
10. Governance for Cloud-Based Services
Business vs. IT vs. EA vs. SOA vs. Cloud Governance
Why SOA governance can (should) be the basis for Cloud governance
SOA governance frameworks, standards, technologies
Open Group’s Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM)
Open Group SOA Governance Reference Model (SGRM)
SOA Governance Vitality Method (SGVM)
Cloud governance
Similarities and differences to SOA governance
Delineating responsibilities: cloud provider vs. cloud customer
Switching cloud providers – the worst case test for your governance
A Cloud governance methodology
Technologies for implementing governance
11.Outlook and Conclusions
Outlook and usage for cloud computing
Hadoop – gaining popularity in the Cloud
Cloud Return on Investment (ROI)
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)