Unit Testing: MSTest, xUnit, and nUnit培训
Unit Testing Frameworks
What are unit tests?
The fundamentals of a unit testing framework
Test-Driven Development
Refactoring overview
The different approaches to testing
Preparing the Development Environment
Installing and configuring Visual Studio Code
Installing and configuring .Net
Installing and configuring nUnit
Writing a Unit Testing Framework
Creating a test
Applying more tests
Refactoring the test runner
Working with the assert class
Reflecting to call methods
Using a naming convention
Visual Studio Code Integration
Creating a project with templates
Creating a project with a unit testing framework
Running the test
Optimizing code
Testing parameters
Writing and running a test unit
Using constraints
Testing parameters
Writing and running a unit test
Testing parameters with InLine
Testing multiple parameters
Using a custom class member
Advanced Optimizations
Grouping tests
Working with test attributes
Customizing with playlists
Debugging tests
Using test menus
Viewing results with CodeLens
Using Code Coverage
Running tests with MSTest
Summary and Conclusion