Unit Testing with JUnit培训
JUnit jumpstart
Proving it works
Starting from scratch
Understanding unit testing frameworks
Setting up JUnit
Testing with JUnit
Exploring JUnit
Exploring core JUnit
Launching tests with test runners
Composing tests with TestSuite
Collecting parameters with TestResult
Observing results with TestListener
Working with TestCase
Stepping through TestCalculator
Sampling JUnit
Introducing the controller component
Let's test it!
Testing exception-handling
Setting up a project for testing
Examining software tests
Why we need unit tests
Kinds of tests
Determining how good tests are
Test-driven development
Automating JUnit
A day in the life
Running tests from Ant
Running tests from Maven
Running tests from Eclipse
Coarse-grained testing with stubs
Introducing Stubs
Practicing on an HTTP Connection sample
Stubbing the web server's resources
Stubbing the connection
Testing in isolation with mock objects
Introducing mock objects
Mock tasting's simple example
Using mock objects as a refactoring technique
Practicing on an HTTP connection sample
Using mocks as Trojan horses
Deciding when to use mock objects
In-container testing with Cactus
The problem with unit-testing components
Testing components using mock objects
Integration unit tests
Introducing Cactus
Testing components using Cactus
How Cactus works
Unit-testing servlets and filters
Presenting the Administration application
Writing servlet tests with Cactus
Testing servlets with mock objects
Writing filter tests with Cactus
When to use Cactus, and when to use mock objects
Unit-testing JSPs and taglibs
Revisiting the Administration application
JSP unit testing
Unit-testing a JSP in isolation with Cactus
Unit-testing taglibs with Cactus
Unit-testing taglibs with mock objects
When to use mock objects, and when to use Cactus
Unit-testing database applications
Database unit testing
Testing business logic in isolation from the database
Testing persistence code in isolation from the database
Writing database integration unit tests
Running the Cactus test using Ant
Tuning for build performance
Overall database unit-testing strategy
Unit-testing EJBs
Defining a sample EJB application
Using a fa?ade strategy
Unit testing JNDI code using mock objects
Unit-testing session beans
Using mock objects to test message-driven beans
Using mock objects to test entity beans
Choosing the right mock object strategy
Using integration unit tests
Using JUnit and remote calls
Using Cactus