Forestry CMS培训
Overview of Forestry Features and Workflow
Forestry to Git connection
Site generators
Markdown editing
Front Matter and data files (YAML, JSON or TOML)
Setting up Forestry
Installing Forestry
Selecting a site generator (Hugo, Jekyll, VuePress, etc.)
Selecting a repository
Committing to the repository
Managing Content
Navigating the UI
Using the Editor
Working with Metadata
Adding media files
Managing Users
Assigning user roles (collaborators, developers, admins, etc.)
Customizing the CMS
Sidebars, labels, etc.
Setting up Instant Previews for previewing content changes
Deploying the Website
Choosing a host
Publishing committed changes
Automating the Deployment Process
Continuous Delivery tools and workflows for automating the publishing process
Integrating Forestry with Other Systems
Connecting to third-party applications using Webhooks
Summary and Conclusion