Optional Background Videos:Qubits
Quantum gates
Measuring qubits in a basis
Week 1: Quantum tools and a first protocolIntroduction and overview
Fundamental concepts of quantum information: pure and mixed quantum states,
the partial trace, classical-quantum states, generalized measurements
Encrypting quantum bits with the quantum one-time pad
Week 2: The power of entanglementSeparable states, entangled states and purification
Sharing a classical secret using quantum states
Looking ahead to quantum key distribution: verifying entanglement using a Bell experiment
Monogamy of entanglement
Week 3: Quantifying informationWhat it means to be ignorant: trace distance and its use in security definitions
The (min)-entropy
Uncertainty principles as a guessing game
Week 4: From imperfect information to (near) perfect securityIntroduction to privacy amplification
Strong randomness extractors
Randomness extraction using two-universal hashing
A construction of two-universal hash functions
Week 5: Distributing keysIntroduction to key distribution: the challenge of being correct and secure
Key distribution over a noisy channelGuest video: David Elkouss (QuTech, TU Delft) – Practical error correction in key distribution protocols
Week 6: Quantum key distribution protocolsBB84 Protocol
Warmup: Security against a classical eavesdropper
E91 Protocol: purifying protocols using entanglement
Quantum key distribution: definitions and conceptsGuest video: Nicolas Gisin (University of Geneva) – Quantum key distribution in practice
Week 7: Quantum cryptography using untrusted devicesIntroduction to device-independent quantum cryptography
Testing devices using a Bell experiment
Security of device-independent quantum key distribution against collective attacksGuest video:
Ronald Hanson (QuTech, TU Delft) – The first loophole free Bell experiment
Week 8: Quantum cryptography beyond key-distributionIntroduction and overview
Two-party cryptography: bit commitment and oblivious transfer
Impossibility of bit commitment
Weak commitments and coin tossing
Week 9: Perfect security from physical assumptionsThe noisy storage model
A simple protocol for bit commitment in the noisy-storage model
Security from quantum uncertainty
A universal primitive: weak string erasure
Week 10: Further topicsPosition verification from weak string erasure
Sharing a quantum secret
Secure computations on a remote quantum computer