课程目录:Go for Systems Programming培训
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  Go for Systems Programming培训





Understanding Unix Systems Programming

Understanding the Go Programming Language and the Go Architecture

Installing and Configuring the Go Development Environment

Learning the Basics of Go Syntax

Working with Go Packages

Algorithms, Data Structures

How Go Handles Garbage Collection

Dealing with Files and Directories in Go

Implementing File Input and Output Operations in Go

Implementing Error Handling

Identifying and Working with System Files in Go: Log Files, System Files Operations, and Passwords

Working with Unix Processes and Signals in Go

Understanding Unix Processes and Signals
Process Management
Dealing with Unix Signals in Go
Using the 'kill' Command
Working with Unix Pipes and Sockets in Go
Working with Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in Go
Programming a Unix Shell in Go
Understanding and Working with Goroutines

Learning About Goroutines
Using the Sync Go Packages
Dealing with Pipelines
Using the Go Scheduler
Using the 'select' Keyword
Working with Signal Channels and Buffered Channels
Handling Timeouts
Working with Channels of Channels
Working with Nil Channels
Dealing with Shared Memory
Working with the dWC.go Utility
Network Programming in Go

Understanding Network Programming
Working with the Net Go Standard Package
Revisiting Unix Sockets
Performing DNS Lookups
Developing a Simple TCP Server and a Simple TCP Client
Developing a Simple UDP Server and a Simple UDP Client
Working with a Concurrent TCP Server

Summary and Conclusion