课程目录:Repast - Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS)培训
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  Repast - Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS)培训




Session 1 – Introduction to ABMS
Industrial Modeling and Simulation
What is a model, level of abstraction
Advantages of creating executable model
Benefits of system simulation
Session 2 – Agents
What are Agents
How to identify Agents
How to model agents
Agent choice selection and abstraction level decision
Installing repast environment
Q & A

Refresher of Day 1

Session 3 – Essential background
What are logo, OO, Java
Object Oriented Concepts
inheritance concepts
Agents as Objects
Recalling LOGO
Session 4 – Repast/relogo environment
The basic relogo program
The reLogo environment
Built-in classes of relogo
Q & A

Refresher of Day 2

Session 5 – The Model Governing Rules
Examples of physics and mathematic rules for modeling
Position, speed and acceleration
Newton second law rule
Chemical and Physical changes
Session 6 – Developing the model
Turtle Groovy/Class
Turtle step method
Patch Groovy
User Panel
What are relogo links
link groovy
Q & A

Refresher of Day 3

Session 7 – Simulating the model
General simulation Concepts
Control the simulation through parameters
Creating scenarios and what if situations
Collecting the simulation result
A Case study
Session 8 – Maintaining models
inheriting an existing model
minor changes to models
creating a real example ABMS