1. Introduction to RabbitMQ
Setting up the required folders
Downloading and installing RabbitMQ
2. Understanding messaging
The role of a consumer
The role of a producer
Bindings consumers and producers
Messages and durability
How to verify delivery
3. Administering RabbitMQ
Starting and stopping nodes
RabbitMQ configuration files
How to manage privileges
Viewing statistics and analyzing logs
Sending alerts
How to set up parallel processing
4. High availability with cluster
Architecture of a cluster
Queues in a cluster
Setting up a test cluster
Distributing the nodes to more machines
How to preserve messages: mirrored queues
5. A programmer perspective
Writing robust code
Installing and configuring HAProxy
Failing clients between servers
6. Implementing failover and replication
Setting up a load balancer-based master/slave
Installing the Shovel plugin
Configuring and running Shovel
7. Web tools to administer RabbitMQ
The RabbitMQ Management plugin
Managing RabbitMQ from the web console
Administering users from the web console
Managing queue from the web console
Using the command line interface
8. RabbitMQ and the REST API
REST API features
Accessing statistics
vhost and user provisioning
9. Monitoring and securing RabbitMQ
Message durability and Message acknowledgement
Memory usage and process limits
Setting up SSL