课程题目:RabbitMQ with Java and Spring培训

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RabbitMQ with Java and Spring培训




RabbitMQ Messaging Middle-Ware

Messaging protocols overview


Java and Spring Overview

Spring API

Dependency injection

Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and configuring RabbitMQ

Installing and configuring Java

Installing and configuring Spring

Development in Java and Spring with RabbitMQ

Writing code

Working with JSON

Creating exchanges, topics, queues, and bindings

Publishing messages

Configuring a listener

Creating RabbitMQ APIs

Error Handling

Handling consumer expectation with DLX

Handling consumer expectation without DLX

Handling expectation with TTL

Using the retry mechanism for exchanges

Using the Spring retry mechanism for exchanges

Advanced Spring and RabbitMQ

Configuring queues with Spring AMQP

Configuring exchanges with Spring AMQP

Creating bindings between queues and exchanges

Using RabbitMQ plugins

Receiving and processing messages from different applications

Summary and Conclusion