iOS Programming (iPhone/iPad) for Programmers培训
The environment
The iPhone Developer program and the tools (SDK, Xcode, IB, the iPhone/iPad simulator)
The language
Essential Objective-C
Using existing Cocoa classes and writing your own
The essential patterns
Performance and debugging
Memory management
Performance improvements
Debugging and troubleshooting
Multithreading essential
The User Experience
The application templates
The UI Controls
Creating different multi-view applications
The different gestures
UX rules and guidelines
Data management
Saving state
Core Data
Multimedia control and some special features
The camera API
The image picker
Playing and recording video
Playing and recording audio
The accelerometer
The proximity sensor
Notifications and the Event Kit
Quick intro on how to make 2D and 3D animations
Making location aware applications
Using core location
Targets and application types
iPhone vs iPad development
Universal applications
Intro to Web applications with HTML5 and CSS3
Interacting with a service
Hybrid applications
Delivering it to the public
Understanding iAd
Releasing to the App Store - The short path