课程目录:Introduction to IoT Using Arduino培训
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  Introduction to IoT Using Arduino培训




Introduction to IoT

The impact of IoT in industry and daily life
Understanding the IoT ecosystem: devices, platforms, and applications
Overview of IoT Components

Analog sensors
Digital sensors
Overview of IoT Communication

Mobile internet
Programming an Arduino IoT Device

Preparing the development environment (Arduino IDE)
Exploring the Arduino language (C/C++) syntax
Coding, compiling, and uploading to the microcontroller
Working with Arduino Communication Modules

Bluetooth Modules
WiFi Modules
RFID Modules
I2C and SPI
Using a Mobile App to Control Arduino IoT

Overview of Blynk Mobile App for IoT
Installing Blynk
Interfacing Arduino and Blynk via USB

LED Blinking
Controlling a Servomotor
ESP8266 WiFi Serial Module

Setting Up the Hardware
Interfacing with Arduino
Creating an IoT Temperature and Humidity Sensor System

Overview of DHT-22 Sensor
Interfacing the Hardware: Arduino, ESP8266 WiFi Module, and DHT-22 Sensor
Checking Your Data via ThingSpeak
Connecting Your Arduino Set-up to Blynk via WiFi
Running your Arduino IoT Sensor System


Summary and Conclusion