课程目录:Axway API Gateway for Developers and Administrators培训
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  Axway API Gateway for Developers and Administrators培训




Overview of Axway API Gateway Features and Architecture

API gateway platform
Core services and features
API Gateway tools
Installing Axway API Gateway

Download and installation
Managing user access
Getting Started with Axway API Gateway

Server configuration
Creating a new domain
Services and clustering setup
Designing an API Gateway System

Policy development
System analysis and planning
Infrastructure interaction, transactions, and legs
Managing an API Gateway

API gateway actions
Settings management
Backup and recovery
Establishing a Secure API Gateway

Encryption, certificates, and keys
Hiding sensitive data
API firewalling
Running on privileged ports and FIPS mode
Deploying API Gateway Configuration

Creating a project
Deployment configuration and actions
Zero downtime deployment
Monitoring Services in API Gateway Manager

Real-time monitoring (traffic, messages, performance)
Storing metrics in a database

Summary and Conclusion