Blockchain for Medical培训
Overview of the Blockchain Technology
Understanding Distributed Ledgers
What is Blockchain?
Understanding How Blockchain Networks Work
Understanding the Benefits of Blockchain
Overview of Blockchain Use Cases
Understanding the Foundations of Blockchain Technology
Symmetric Information
Historical Integrity
Extensible Security
Democratic Authenticity
Decentralization and Fault Tolerance
Applying the Blockchain Principles to Issues in Healthcare
Exploring the Opportunities for Improvement in the Medical Field
Overview of the Applicability of Blockchain Principles to the Cited Issues
Using Blockchain to Solve Known Problems in Healthcare
Data Security and Ransomware Problems
Master Patient Identifier Problem
Understanding the Limitations of Popular Blockchain Technologies
Exploring the Different Blockchain Platforms for Healthcare
Introduction to GemOS
Overview of GemOS Features and Benefits
Overview of the Full Product Stack of GemOS
Overview of the GemOS Architecture
About MediBloc
Understanding How MediBloc Works
Overview of MediBloc Apps
Overview of MediBloc Services
Overview of the MediBloc Core and Blockchain
Overview of MedChain
Overview of MedChain Benefits
About the MedicalChain Platform
Overview of MedicalChain Features
Case Study: Electronic Medical Records with MedRec
Case Study: Improving Clinical Trials
Case Study: Enhancing the Healthcare Supply Chain
The Future of Healthcare with Blockchain
Summary and Conclusion
Closing Remarks