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Oracle 10g Application Server: Administration I培训
Oracle 10g Application Server: Administration I培训
1. Oracle Application Server 10g: Introduction
Solution areas and terminology associated with OracleAS
Distinguish between the components of some of the solution areas of OracleAS
Distinguish between the components of selected solution areas of OracleAS
How OracleAS middle-tier installation types can be deployed
Determine an OracleAS installation type for a given scenario
2. Oracle Application Server 10g: Infrastructure and Middle Tier Installation
Determine any issues that need to be addressed before the installation of OracleAS Infrastructure
Select the necessary options when initiating OracleAS Infrastructure installation in a given scenario
Complete an OracleAS Infrastructure installation
Perform OracleAS Infrastructure postinstallation tasks
Prepare for, execute, and verify an installation of OracleAS Infrastruture
Perform an installation of OracleAS Middle Tier
Perform OracleAS Middle Tier postinstallation tasks
Execute and verify an installation of OracleAS Middle Tier
3. Oracle Application Server 10g: Management Tools and Oracle Internet Directory
Perform some basic management tasks from the home pages of Application Server Control
Perform some basic process management tasks using the opmnctl utility in OracleAS
Perform management tasks using the dcmctl utility
Perform management tasks with emctl, opmnctl, and dcmctl utilities in OracleAS
Role and security benefits of Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
Architecture of the OID server instance and OID node
Stop and start an OID server instance in OracleAS
Identify the commands used to manage data in the directory server and launch Oracle Directory Manager
Perform some OID process and directory management tasks in a given scenario
4. Oracle Application Server 10g: General Management and Directives for the HTTP Server
Server-level directives used to set Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) processes and connections
Role of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) files and file-location directives in OracleAS
Perform the steps to change HTTP server properties in OracleAS
Configure some properties of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) in OracleAS in a given scenario
View and edit HTTP server logs in OracleAS
Use Application Server Control to modify advanced server properties and enable status-report generation for Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)
Perform the tasks to update Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) logs and configuration files in OracleAS in a given scenario
Key concepts associated with Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) configuration
Define container directives for an HTTP server in OracleAS
Use the Options and AllowOverrides directives and appropriate parameters to control the features that an HTTP server allows
Use the appropriate directives to set indexing, error handling, caching behavior, and aliases in Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)
Redirect HTTP server requests using mod_rewrite directives
Define directives for an HTTP server in a given scenario
5. Oracle Application Server 10g: OracleAS Web Cache
Key concepts and administration tasks associated with OracleAS Web Cache
Perform general administration tasks for OracleAS Web Cache
Perform basic OracleAS Web Cache administration tasks in a given scenario
Configure site definitions and server mappings for OracleAS Web Cache
Create and configure caching rules for OracleAS Web Cache
Configure basic cache-content invalidation in OracleAS
Configure logging in OracleAS Web Cache
Configure different elements of OracleAS Web Cache in a given scenario
6. Oracle Application Server 10g: OracleAS Portal
Roles of the key utilities of OracleAS Portal
Create and manage OracleAS Portal schemas and users
Perform some of the core management tasks associated with OracleAS Portal groups
Perform management tasks for an OracleAS Portal user and group in a given scenario
Perform portlet repository management tasks in OracleAS Portal
Export and import objects in OracleAS Portal
Perform the appropriate portlet repository and export/import tasks in a given scenario
Configure self-registration and view OraDAV configuration for OracleAS Portal
Configure language support and portal dependencies in OracleAS Portal
Configure some core features of OracleAS Portal in a given scenario
7. Oracle Application Server 10g: mod_plsql, CGI Scripts, and Database Providers
Role of the key Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) modules used to deploy PL/SQL and CGI applications
Configure how mod_plsql connects to a database server to fulfill HTTP requests
Recognize the syntax for invoking a PL/SQL application and configure caching for mod_plsql
Configure different elements of mod_plsql in a given scenario
Distinguish between the entries used in an httpd.conf file to enable the execution of different types of CGI scripts
Register the database provider with OracleAS Portal
Perform some of the steps to configure Oracle for Fast CGI and the database provider in a given scenario
8. Oracle Application Server 10g: Application Management and Deployment
Perform the appropriate, basic OC4J management tasks in OracleAS
Configure OC4J server properties in OracleAS
Perform the basic tasks for J2EE application management in OracleAS
Manage an OC4J instance and J2EE application in OracleAS, in a given scenario
Create a data source in OracleAS
Deploy web-application modules and deploy complete J2EE applications in OracleAS
Register web providers in OracleAS
Perform the tasks to deploy an application in OracleAS
9. Oracle Application Server 10g: Component Administration in Oracle Internet Directory
Recognize the administration options available with Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
Assign user and group privileges in Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
View and modify Oracle Internet Directory (OID) password-related information in OracleAS
Configure Oracle Internet Directory (OID) settings in OracleAS Portal
Perform a series of Oracle Internet Directory (OID) administration tasks, in a given scenario, in OracleAS
10. Oracle Application Server 10g: DAS and SSO
Start, stop, and verify the operation of the Delegated Administrative Service (DAS) in OracleAS
Perform key user and group administration tasks in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS)
Configure how user entries display in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS)
Perform service, account, and identity management realm management tasks in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS)
Perform the tasks to manage a user and user account in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS), in a given scenario
Sequence the steps in the OracleAS Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication process
Perform some basic Single Sign-On (SSO) administration tasks in OracleAS
Perform the key administration tasks for partner and external applications in OracleAS Single Sign-On (SSO)
Perform the tasks to appropriately administer an SSO server, in a given scenario
11. Oracle Application Server 10g: Component Security with SSL
Outline the interactions between client and server when using SSL in OracleAS
Perform key management tasks in Oracle Wallet Manager
Perform certificate-management tasks in OracleAS
Perform wallet and certificate management tasks in OracleAS, in a given scenario
Configure SSO, Oracle Internet Directory (OID), and OracleAS Web Cache for SSL
Configure OracleAS Portal for SSL
Perform some of the tasks to configure SSO, OID, and OracleAS Portal for SSL
12. Oracle Application Server 10g: Oracle Certificate Authority Management
Tools that make up the OracleAS PKI solution
Key elements of the Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA) architecture
Perform the steps to set up administration access in OracleAS Certificate Authority (OCA)
Perform key certificate management tasks in Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA)
Manage the Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA) server and certificates in a given scenario












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    曙海的FPGA 培训很好地填补了高校FPGA培训空白,不错。总之,有利于学生的发展, 有利于教师的发展,有利于课程的发展,有利于社会的发展。
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一汽海马汽车 DSP培训
苏州金属研究院 DSP培训
南京南瑞集团技术 FPGA培训
西安爱生技术集团 FPGA培训,DSP培训
成都熊谷加世电气 DSP培训
福斯赛诺分析仪器(苏州) FPGA培训
南京国电工程 FPGA培训
北京环境特性研究所 达芬奇培训
中国科学院微系统与信息技术研究所 FPGA高级培训
重庆网视只能流技术开发 达芬奇培训
无锡力芯微电子股份 IC电磁兼容
河北科学院研究所 FPGA培训
上海微小卫星工程中心 DSP培训
广州航天航空 POWERPC培训
桂林航天工学院 DSP培训
江苏五维电子科技 达芬奇培训
无锡步进电机自动控制技术 DSP培训
江门市安利电源工程 DSP培训
长江力伟股份 CADENCE 培训
爱普生科技(无锡 ) 数字模拟电路
河南平高 电气 DSP培训
中国航天员科研训练中心 A/D仿真
常州易控汽车电子 WINDOWS驱动培训
南通大学 DSP培训
上海集成电路研发中心 达芬奇培训
北京瑞志合众科技 WINDOWS驱动培训
江苏金智科技股份 FPGA高级培训
中国重工第710研究所 FPGA高级培训
芜湖伯特利汽车安全系统 DSP培训
厦门中智能软件技术 Android培训
苏州浩克系统科技 FPGA培训
上海申达自动防范系统 FPGA培训
四川长虹佳华信息 MTK培训
南昌航空大学--fpga 高级开发技术培训
IBM 公司--3G手机ANDROID系统和应用技术开发培训
中国双飞--Vxworks 应用和BSP开发技术培训


上海水务建设工程有限公司--Alter/Xilinx FPGA应用开发技术培训
恩法半导体科技--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信号完整性技术培训
中航工业无线电电子研究所--Vxworks 应用和BSP开发技术培训
华路时代信息技术--VxWorks BSP开发技术培训
宝康电子--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信号完整性技术培训
上海天能电子有限公司--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信号完整性技术培训
先先信息科技有限公司--brew 手机开发技术培训
东北农业大学--IPHONE 苹果应用开发技术培训
哈尔滨大学--IPHONE 苹果应用开发技术培训




  备案号:备案号:沪ICP备08026168号-1 .(2014年7月11)...................
友情链接:Cadence培训 ICEPAK培训 EMC培训 电磁兼容培训 sas容培训 罗克韦尔PLC培训 欧姆龙PLC培训 PLC培训 三菱PLC培训 西门子PLC培训 dcs培训 横河dcs培训 艾默生培训 robot CAD培训 eplan培训 dcs培训 电路板设计培训 浙大dcs培训 PCB设计培训 adams培训 fluent培训系列课程 培训机构课程短期培训系列课程培训机构 长期课程列表实践课程高级课程学校培训机构周末班培训 南京 NS3培训 OpenGL培训 FPGA培训 PCIE培训 MTK培训 Cortex训 Arduino培训 单片机培训 EMC培训 信号完整性培训 电源设计培训 电机控制培训 LabVIEW培训 OPENCV培训 集成电路培训 UVM验证培训 VxWorks培训 CST培训 PLC培训 Python培训 ANSYS培训 VB语言培训 HFSS培训 SAS培训 Ansys培训 短期培训系列课程培训机构 长期课程列表实践课程高级课程学校培训机构周末班 曙海 教育 企业 学院 培训课程 系列班 长期课程列表实践课程高级课程学校培训机构周末班 短期培训系列课程培训机构 曙海教育企业学院培训课程 系列班 软件无线电培训 FPGA电机控制培训 Xilinx培训 Simulink培训 DSP培训班 数字信号培训 Ansys培训 LUA培训 单片机培训班 PCB设计课程 PCB培训 电源培训 电路培训 CST培训 PLC课程 变频器课程 Windows培训 R语言培训 Python培训 5G培训